Agreement on Terms of Use

The Terms and Conditions outlined herewith extend to all users of our website, constituting a binding agreement governing your engagement with our platform. Your access or usage of the site implies your acknowledgment and acceptance of these terms, subject to periodic updates. Our organization ("we" or "us") administers the website as a conduit for informing users about our offerings. Adherence to these terms is imperative for upholding the integrity and security of our platform. Should you require further clarification on any aspect of these terms, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

1) Consent to Terms and Conditions

By accessing this website and consuming its content, you acknowledge your agreement with our Terms and related policies, all of which are subject to change from time to time. Your continued use of and access to this website and its content are contingent upon your compliance with these Terms and the Acceptable Use Conditions specified. Any failure to comply with these conditions may be considered a breach of these Terms, potentially resulting in suspension or termination of access.

2) Confinement of Our Liability

By viewing and/or interacting with our Online Platforms, you consent, and we reserve the right, to have the data we collect from you be used as described in this privacy statement. Additionally, you consent, and we reserve the right, to have the data we collect from you be used in ways that are consistent with the then-current disclosed privacy statement regardless of when your data was collected (e.g., we can use your data in ways that are consistent with the current disclosed practices, but which may not be entirely consistent with the previously disclosed practices when your information was originally collected).
If you feel that we are not abiding by this privacy statement or if you have any questions, you should contact us immediately via email.

3) Extra Miscellaneous Details

Users have the option to sign up for emails or newsletters from us to stay updated on relevant news and updates. If you wish to discontinue receiving such communications, you can easily manage your preferences using the unsubscribe link in each email or by reaching out to us directly via email. Your privacy and preferences are important to us, and we respect your choices.

4) Support Links

  • Except for content uploaded by users, all materials on our website—including but not limited to text, graphics, videos, and software—are protected under copyright and intellectual property laws and are owned by the Company or our partners.
  • You may access and display this content on a computer screen for your personal use, provided that you do not reproduce, modify, distribute, or use the content for commercial purposes without our express written consent.

5) Internet Navigation and Links

Links within our website to third-party sites are not verified by us, and we do not take responsibility for the content on external sites. Accessing external sites through our website is done at your own risk.

6) Discontinuation of Service

We reserve the right to assess, at our discretion, whether there has been a violation of this site's acceptable use policy. Should such a violation occur, we may take appropriate action as we see fit.
Failure to adhere to this acceptable use policy constitutes a significant breach of our Terms and Conditions, granting us the authority to take any or all of the following actions:
  • Immediate, temporary, or permanent revocation of your site access privileges.
  • Immediate, temporary, or permanent deletion of any content or materials you have posted on our site.
  • Issuance of a warning to you regarding the breach.
  • Initiation of legal proceedings against you to recover all associated costs on an indemnity basis (including, but not limited to, reasonable administrative and legal expenses).
  • Further legal recourse against you as deemed necessary.
  • Sharing of relevant information with law enforcement authorities as we deem appropriate.
We disclaim liability for actions taken in response to breaches of this acceptable use policy. The actions outlined herein are not exhaustive, and we reserve the right to take any other action we deem reasonable.

7) Customizing Your Profile

When you sign up for an account, ensure that your information is accurate and up-to-date. Incorrect information could lead to the termination of your account. You are responsible for keeping your password secure and for all actions taken under your account. Do not share your password with anyone, and inform us immediately if you suspect your account has been compromised.

8) Web Presence

Secure areas of the website are accessible only to authorized users. Any unauthorized attempts to access these areas may be met with legal actions. We maintain a strict security protocol to safeguard our website and its users and expect all users to adhere to these protocols without exception.

9) Enhancements to Terms

We reserve the right to make changes to the terms and conditions governing our services at any time, in response to shifting regulatory demands, advancements in technology, or updates in our business model. These changes may impact how we interact with you or how we deliver our services. We will publish any such changes on our website and, where feasible, provide notice through email or other communication methods to ensure you are aware of the revisions. By continuing to use our services after these changes take effect, you agree to be bound by the updated terms.

10) Policy Disclaimers

Access to and use of this website and its content are provided on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind, express or implied. The Company expressly disclaims all warranties, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. We do not warrant that the website will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the website or the servers that make it available are free of viruses or other harmful components.